Symptom Assessment Quizzes
Additional Assessments
Women's Hormone Symptom Checklist
Men's Hormone Symptom Checklist
Andropause is a condition of low testosterone in men that usually begins to occur at about 40 years of age. Take our Andropause Assessment to identify the most common symptoms.
Because many symptoms of underactive thyroid are similar to those of menopause, they can easily be confused or misinterpreted. Symptoms of underactive thyroid include fatigue, especially on waking, feeling cold easily, dry skin, depression, muscle and joint weakness and stiffness, constipation, general slowness and possible weight gain. Our Thyroid Assessment can help you sort through the confusion.
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by excessive loss of bone mass and changes in bone tissue that compromise bone quality and strength. With osteoporosis, bones become fragile and prone to fracture. Our Osteoporosis Assessment is an indicator of your risk for developing osteoporosis.
If you are still menstruating and your symptoms appear regularly during the two weeks prior to your monthly period, you may be suffering with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Evaluate your symptoms with our PMS Assessment.
If you are still having periods, but they have become irregular, or if you think you are starting to experience symptoms of menopause, then you are in the transitional phase which is often referred to as perimenopause. We recommend you take our Perimenopause Assessment. You can also choose to take the PMS Assessment AND the Menopause Assessment, combine your score, and review our recommendations.
If you have reached menopause, either naturally or surgically, and you no longer have periods, our Menopause Assessment will help you evaluate your symptoms.